Friday, February 2 @ 7:30pm
McAllister Keller Duo (MKD) in Concert
Music Recital Hall
Southern Oregon University
Ashland, OR 97540
General - $15
Seniors 55+ - $10
SOU Students/Faculty - Free
All Students, All Schools - Free
Children Free - Free
Saturday, February 3 @ 7:30pm
MKD in Concert
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
2620 Capital Ave
Sacramento, CA 95816
General - $25
Students & Seniors - $20
Children 12 and under - Free
Monday, February 5, @ 7:15pm
Corvallis Guitar Society
Featuring MKD (8:00pm)
Odd Fellows Hall
223 SW 2nd St
Corvallis, OR 97333
Thursday, March 14 @ 7:30pm
MUSIX in Concert
Derek Keller, dir.
Music Recital Hall
Southern Oregon University
Saturday & Sunday, April 13-14
First Annual 'Electrowave' Rocky Mount Electronic Music Festival 2024
SaturdayApril 14:
Derek Keller will be performing his Attitudes...Self Expression Concertante, panelling with Reiner Kramer, and then finally sharing the stage with Glen Whitehead, Paul Riola, Jon Forshee, Michael Berry, and Sarah Belle Reid for an evening length concert of imporvised electonic music.
Wednesday, May 1, &:30-9;00pm
MUSIX in Concert
Derek Keller, dir.
Music Recital Hall
Southern Oregon University
Saturday, April 27, 7:30 pm
MUSIX @ the Oregon Fringe Festival
Derek Keller, dir.
7:30-9:00 PM
Rockafairy @ Rogue Valley Mall
May 16-19: 2024 Creativity Conference@ Souther Oregon University
Keller Keynote the first evening of the conference. The concert program will included two performances of and discussion regarding Keller's The End Times Are a'Changing: Fantasy on a Theme by Dylan (2018) for solo guitar and 'socio-multimedia'.
Music Recital Hall
Southern Oregon University
Wednesday, May 1, 7:30-9:00pm
MUSIX in Concert
Derek Keller, dir.
Music Recital Hall
Southern Oregon University
Saturday, Novermber 18
Spectrum Concert
Music Ensembles at SOU
SOU Music Recital Hall
Program featured MUSIX,
Derek Keller, dir.
Thursday, October 19
Southern Oregon University
MUSIX, Derek Keller, dir.
Tuesday, August 1
McAllster Keller Duo
First Tuesday Music Series
Lake Oswego Public Library
Friday, April 29
@ the Oregon Fringe Festival 2023
Music Recital Hall
Southern Oregon University
Derek Keller, dir.
Wednesday, April 26
MUSIX: Rock Show Gala
@ the Oregon Fringe Festival. 2023
DeBoer Sculpture Building
Souther Oregon University
MUSIX, Derek Keller, dir.
Saturday, December 3
Spectrum Concert
Music Ensembles at SOU
SOU Music Recital Hall
Program featured MUSIX,
Derek Keller, dir.
Wednesday, October 19
MUSIX, Derek Keller, dir.
June 7
Jazz In the Park: Hello Summer!
Program included music of
Keller & MUSIX
Butler Bandshell
Lithia Park
Ashland, OR
May 24
Derek Bernadette Mondok Keller
in Concert
program included World Premier of
"The Saddest, Most Loving of Songs"
from NEUROTICA, and other works
Music Recital Hall
Southern Oregon University
April 29
2022 Oregon Fringe Festival
“Rapt” (Keller) from NEUROTICA
Bernadette Mondok Keller, sop.
April 27
MUSIX: Rock Show Gala
Derek Keller, dir.
@ the Oregon Fringe Festival
Souther Oregon University
March 15
MUSIX in concert
Derek Keller, dir.
Music Recital Hall
Southern Oregon University
February 8
SOU Food Pantry Benefit Concert
Featuring MUSIX
Derek Keller, dir.
Music Recital Hall
Southern Oregon University
January 8
2022 soundON Festival of New Music
performance of Racines,
by Luke Schultze,
and live world premiere of
“Rapt” (Keller) from NEUROTICA
featuring Bernadette Mondok Keller
The Athenaeum, La Jolla, CA
December 2
Spectrum Concert
Honor Band Weekend
featured MUSIX, Derek Keller, dir.
Music Recital Hall
Southern Oregon University
October 23
World Video Premier of
"Rapt" from NEUROTICA
featuring Bernadette Mondok Keller
Music Recital Hall
Southern Oregon University
October 6-10
Composer/Performer in Residence
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Masterclass, Concert, & Panel Discussion
featuring Keller's works and performances
July 11
World Fringe Day
featured a virtual performance of
NorCal Water Music (2019)
June 28
World-wide release of
MUSIX: Breaking the Chains
May 10
Virtual Premier Performance of
Coming Together (1974), by Frederic Rzewski
as realized and produced by Left Edge Collective
May 1
2019 Oregon Fringe Festival
Virtual Performance of
NorCal Water Music (2019)
and panel discussion with Citywater,
the commissioning ensemble
April 23
Friday Music Showcase
World-wide release event celebrating
MUSIX: Q1’21 (EP)
April 21
7th Annual Visions of the Wild Film and Arts Festival
Virtual performance of NorCal Water Music (2019)
and panel discussion with Citywater
the commissioning ensemble
celebrated Earth Year 50
Feb 23-35
Soundbox4: A Zoom of One’s Own
Virtual Festival, directed by Dana Reason
presented through a partnership between
Oregon State University
College of Liberal Arts, School of Arts and Communications
Truckenbrod Gallery
Site of Sound Series.
Program featured vdeo of
O Mensch,Gib Acht! Part I