Hi All,
It has been a while, which is typical, in light of ALL THE THINGS happening.
Firstly, happy Mother's Day! Without them, humans would not exist. Regarding 'Creation', Bernadette and I are expecting in late September. We are so blessed and more on that soon!
Regarding creating a new home: Mom & Dad Keller are officially Oregonians. Yes, they are now living a 5 minute walk away, rather than 2500 miles. This is really, really good.
And to catch y'all up with my work...
I am always humbled, and my ears are always tickled when MUSIX, the student ensemble I direct, takes the state and lays is down! Since March, we have performed thrice! We had our own quarterly show at the SOU on March 14, then we had our ROCK SHOW GALA event at Rockafairy in the Rogue Valley Mall, then our own show again on May 1 back in the Music Recital Hall at SOU. Currently my students are developing their next EP produced by JT Taylorson & Cyrus Daniels, two of our star rising seniors in the Music Industry & Production program. If you haven't seen/heard what we do, please be sure to check out our 10/19/23 show, when we celebrated our fourth release, Better Than The Rest, at the De Boer Sculpture Buidling.
This past April, I was invited to participate on annual Electrowave' Rocky Mount Electronic Music Festival 2024. On Saturday, April 14, I had the opportunity to perform my own Attitudes...Self Expression Concertante, then panel Reiner Krämer, and then shared the stage with Glen Whitehead, Paul Riola, Jon Forshee, Michael Berry, and the formidable Sarah Belle Reid for an evening length concert of improvised electronic music.
Rounding out this blog post about 'Creativity', I am thrilled and honored to Keynote the 6th Annual Creativity Conference at Southern Oregon University. Along with my long time collaborator and friend of over 25 years, Colin McAllister (guitarist) and the audience/conferees, we will intone the Apocalypse twice in two realizations of The End Times Are a'Changing: Fantasy on a Theme by Dylan (2018) for solo guitar and 'socio-multimedia'. The concert will follow the the Welcome Reception at the Rogue River Room at the Stephenson Union on the campus of SOU. All attendees and the public are invited to attend FOR FREE at the Music Recital Hall in the Music Building at 450 South Mountain Ave, Ashland OR, 97520.
I would like to express my deep thanks and gratitude to Dan DeNeui, Dee Fretwell, Mark Runco, and the Creativity Conference team at SOU. They have granted me an uncommon opportunity to take deep dive into my creative work and my ideas about the way in which the audience is 'written in' to participate in live performance of contemporary artistic experiences via their mobile devices. Y'all in the Rogue Valley: this conference and all about what 'creativity' means in society at large. This is a 'deep-thoughts' conference that gives voice to thinkers who address creativity as an academic field of research. This conference focuses on the very idea of 'creativity' and the way in which it manifests in innovation, education, psychology, and the arts (just to name a few interdisciplinary areas!). This gathering promises a wide range of opportunity for knowledge, inspiration, and networking opportunities.